Category Archives: Agriculture News

Lame-Duck Farm Bill Will be Difficult

While the lame-duck session of Congress represents one last chance at a farm bill, industry experts say it would require compromise on a number of tricky issues. Farm Policy News says it would require House and Senate leaders to agree on spending in quite a few important areas. One report says Senate Ag Committee Chair…MORE

CDFA Promotes Sustainable Pest Management

The California Department of Food and Agriculture making available $3 million in funding for three projects under the Biologically Integrated Farming Systems grant program. According to a CDFA news release, this program supports the development, demonstration and adoption of effective and economically viable alternative management practices. The CDFA goes on to say the program addresses…MORE

Could Biden Declare Shaver Lake a National Monument? Activist group Unite the Parks called on President Joe Biden to transform 1.4 million acres of Sierra National Forest land into a national monument, and it has the backing of three state lawmakers from the Valley. But three local county supervisors wrote to the president, warning him…MORE

Broiler Industry Provides 1.4 Million Jobs, $450 Billion Impact

The U.S. Poultry and Egg Association, the National Chicken Council, the National Turkey Federation, and United Egg Producers have released an economic impact study of the poultry industry. The report highlights the positive impact the industry has on jobs, wages, and federal and state revenue in the U.S. The study breaks down the industry into…MORE

Ag Research Technology Center Breaks Ground at UC Davis

Advances in crop production and preservation are poised for a new location as the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service broke ground for a modernized facility. The new structure will consolidate all the labs that are currently located at the University of California-Davis. The Agricultural Research and Technology Center is a cutting-edge facility that will include customized…MORE

California Moves on E15 Fuel

The Renewable Fuels Association applauded California Governor Gavin Newsom for directing the state’s Air Resources Board to expedite the approval of E15 in the state. California is currently the only state that doesn’t allow the sales of lower-cost, low-carbon E15. In a letter to the California Air Resources Board, Newsome wrote, ”Given the potential for…MORE

American Family Farms Going Broke

Across the country, skyrocketing prices, wages and operating costs have shuttered hundreds of thousands of American farms. MSN reports in the past five years alone, over 140,000 American farms have tilled for the last time. Going back to 1950, 66% of all U.S. farms — 3.75 million farms in total — have stopped producing. The…MORE

Beef Industry Slams Dietary Guidelines Recommendations

The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association has deep concerns about the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee’s recommendations that replace protein like beef with beans, peas, and lentils. “The preview of the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee stands out as one of the most out-of-touch, impractical, and elitist conversations in the history of the process,” says NCBA VP of…MORE

Many Economists Believe Ag is in a Recession

Over half of the 70 ag economists surveyed in Farm Journal’s Monthly Survey of Ag Economists believe the U.S. agriculture economy is in a recession. Seventy-five percent of the other economists believe the ag economy is on the brink of a recession. Those economists who believe the ag economy is on the brink of a…MORE

Irrigation Water Research

One of the big challenges of irrigating crops is dealing with water sources containing salt. Over time, repeated irrigation from these sources lead to salt accumulation and damaging soil fertility. To help out, the Agricultural Research Service’s Ag Water Efficiency and Salinity Research unit in Riverside is using remote sensing and precision technology to aid…MORE