Candidate Garry Bredefeld is running for city council’s district 6 seat, and on Tuesday, he received an endorsement from Fresno’s Mayor Ashley Swearengin.
“In my opinion, Gary Bredefeld has proven in serving on the Fresno City Council in the past, his priorities very much line-up with the priorities we’ve sought to pursue here in my time in office.” – Mayor Ashley Swearengin.
Bredefeld is campaigning for his old seat which he held between 1997 and 2001.
He says “as much as things change – they often stay the same. I came to City Hall in the late 90’s because we had a crime wave and I wanted to turn things around,” he says he promised to provide the same leadership to again turn things around – promising to address the vagrancy and panhandling problems that have been plaguing the city.
The Mayor says Bredefeld will also be focusing on parks, trails and green space, Downtown revitalization and that issue of publicsafety.
He’s up against Elvis impersonator Jeremy Pierce and communications business owner Holly Carter.