If you were among the many people worldwide to watch the Rose Bowl Parade – no doubt you saw flowers on some of the floats.
“The tournament’s history has been a parade that was created to reflect the bounty and beauty of California.” – Kasey Cronquist, CEO, Ambassador, California Cut Flower Commission.
Kasey Cronquist, the CEO and Ambassador of the California Cut Flower Commission, says three floats and the VIP vehicles were certified as “CA Grown,” meaning more than 85% of the flowers and foliage on the float were grown in California.
“It’s been an effort on the part of the California Cut Flower Commission for the State of California to help float teams who want to bring that tradition back of reflecting the bounty of California, and certifying floats ‘CA Grown’ as a reflection of that commitment.” – Kasey Cronquist, CEO, Ambassador, California Cut Flower Commission.
The Commission developed partnerships with the Buy California Marketing Agreement (CA Grown), the floral company FTD, the California Milk Advisory Board, Miracle-Gro, and Cal Poly University (both the SLO and Pomona campuses) to utilize primarily California-grown flowers, seeds and other plant materials for their floats and vehicles in the parade.
The California Milk Board and Fresh Cut Flower Board won awards for their float designs, says Karen Ross, the Secretary of the California Department of Food and Agriculture.
“It’s the first time that the California Advisory Board did one on “Real Adventure and Real Food.” Karen Ross, Secy., California Dept. of Food & Agriculture.
The Milk Advisory Board’s float, “Adventures in Real Food,” was recognized, as well, receiving a Tournament Special Trophy from the judges.
The Cal Poly float, called “Sweet Shenanigans,” once again won the Lathrop K. Leishman Award for the Most Beautiful Non-Commercial Float.
Miracle-Gro’s float, “Life Starts Here,” won the coveted Governor’s Award.
This year’s parade also included CA Grown certification for the vehicles carrying Rose Bowl VIPs.
The cars were sponsored and decorated by FTD.
At this time of year, when the rest of the country is facing much different weather and snow we really have had this parade to show what California can do in January.” Kasey Cronquist,