Races Begin To Fill 31st Assembly District Seat

CA District Map


January 4, 2016, (KMJ) Fresno – Both races to fill the 31st Assembly District seat, and replace State Assemblyman Henry T. Perea have now begun.

The 31st Assembly District seat was vacated by Assemblyman Perea in a surprise resignation on December 31st with just under a year of his time left over.

Perea was due to be termed out – but quit before that happened.

It means there will be two elections this year – one to fill the time unspent and another to take on the role permanently for a full term – and the window of time to put names forward has now begun:

Fresno County Registrar of Voters Brandi Orth says this is the first day a candidate can put their name forward for both the special election to fill the remaining time – and the regular election to take on the role for a full term:

“The governor must call a special election to fill that vacancy, it just turns out – January 4th – will be the first day to start the candidate filing process for both the vacant seat and the full term for two years.” – Brandi Orth, Fresno County Registrar of Voters.

Clint Olivier 1

Fresno City Councilman Clint Olivier has now started the process to put his name forward for the special election.

“I’m going to be pulling out a petition for signatures to run for State Assembly.” – Clint Olivier, Candidate for 31st Assembly District.

Olivier already announced candidacy for the permanent post, along with Dr. Joaquin Arambula.

Dr. Joaquin Arambula

Dr Arambula is a long-time emergency room doctor in Selma, and part of politically active local family, and has announced he, too, will be putting his name forward for the special election.

The date of that special election is yet to be established.