Miyuki Hardwood’s Miracle Story Of Survival


For nine days, missing hiker Miyuki Harwood was alone and injured in the Sierra’s – but she survived her ordeal.

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She’s a strong, independent woman, who follows traditional Japanese culture – no pictures and little fanfare, but she did share her story through her Sister-in-Law Barb Hartwig, who read her statement:

“After summiting, I decided to start back to camp ahead of the group and I regret it. It was getting dark, I tried to get back to the campsite but fell off the cliff.”

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Miyuki was conscious the whole time.

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She took off her boots and found that both legs were broken and her back was compressed,

“I saw all the choppers flying over me the next day but towards the next day they called off the rescue because of all the smoke.”

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Seriously injured, with little food, for the next two days she crawled down to find water.

Rescuers were unable to hear her whistle, she tried to keep warm and stay alive.

“During the 5 days there, I spent everyday colder and colder and would lie in the sun a few hours each day. On Saturday, August 29th, I thought this was the last chance to do something.”

Smoke from fires had hampered efforts – but finally Miyuki heard voices: “They were at a distance, and kept calling my name and asking where I was. I kept blowing my whistle and answered their calls. When I first saw them – it was a miracle and I was very emotional.”

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Miyuki thanks her rescuers and says it’s time now to focus on recovery.