New Genetic Test Will Help Safeguard Quinoa from Top Foe

Quinoa is a grain-like seed offers a flavorful and is nutrition-packed.

But in order for this versatile seed to get from farm field to table, quinoa growers must be vigilant for signs of downy mildew, a disease that can decimate the crop if left unchecked. 

To help growers, a team of researchers led by Agricultural Research Service (ARS) plant pathologist Anna Testen devised a fast new test to genetically detect the pathogen in both quinoa seed and leaf tissue.  

The advance opens the door to countering downy mildew on several fronts, with benefits to U.S. growers hoping to expand the crop and to consumers. 

Quantitative PCR is much more sensitive, meaning it can detect smaller amounts of DNA, than standard PCR, so there are fewer false negatives.