Controversial Bill has Arambula on the Defensive

FRESNO, CA (KMJ) AB 1840, authored by Assemblyman Joaquin Arambula (D-Fresno) has created a firestorm across the Golden State.

In essence, the legislation would extend home-buying assistance to qualified illegal immigrants of up to $150,000 – outraging conservatives. A handful of Senate democrats also voted “no”, but it passed none-the-less 25-14. Gov. Newsom has not indicated whether he’ll sign it into law.

Dr. Arambula, in a release, said his bill is “about fairness”.

“AB 1840 does not create a new home ownership assistance program for a specific group of people, nor does it give away free money. Already, anyone can apply who meets the existing California Dream for All loan program’s financial criteria as a first-time homebuyer.

“My bill simply clarifies the language to make it clear that undocumented immigrants can apply – once again, if they meet all the criteria. That includes securing a bank loan or mortgage. Successful applicants have to repay the loan, without interest, when they sell the home. In addition, 20 percent of the appreciation on that home’s value must be paid.

“AB 1840 is not a bill about immigrant policies. It is not a bill about the housing crisis. We know that no single bill can solve those issues. This is a bill about fairness.

After the bill passed through the state Senate this week, Republicans were quick to criticize.

“Many generational Californians can’t afford to buy a house in their home state thanks to Democrats’ unsustainable economic policies,” said Senate Minority Leader Brian W. Jones (R-San Diego). “Every dollar given to an illegal immigrant is a dollar taken away from legal residents, including veterans and their families. This policy is not only unfair but also sends a dangerous message: ‘Come to California, whether legally or illegally, and claim your $150,000 home loan.’ Americans should be deeply concerned about a Harris-Waltz Administration adopting this policy on a national scale.”

If signed, AB 1840 will bar the state from disqualifying someone from its Home Purchase Assistance Program (HPAP) based solely on their immigration status, meaning California will be rewarding people who have chosen to disregard our country’s laws.

The giveaway of public funds also comes at the expense of military veterans. As part of the HPAP program, the state works to provide home purchase assistance to first-time veteran homebuyers. Expanding the housing assistance program to include undocumented immigrants will inevitably reduce the amount of funds available for veterans. Senate Republicans previously exposed this reality in a publicly released analysis of the bill you can find, here.

“It is wrong to prioritize illegal immigrants over the men and women who have made great sacrifices to serve our country,” said Senator Brian Dahle (R-Bieber). “California is already struggling with a massive deficit, this policy priority by Democrat politicians is yet the latest slap in the face to the citizens who are working to make ends meet and forced to foot the bill of ever-expanding government programs in the state under one-party rule.”