Fresno High Region Hosts Fun Literacy Fair for Families

The Fresno High School region will host a fun family night with interactive literacy workshops, student cultural performances, community resources and free food (first come, first served).

The event is part of a series of family engagement events being held in the high school regions to support the district’s board-adopted Family Goal to “Increase inclusive opportunities for families to engage in their students’ education.” Sponsors are Parent University and Fresno Unified trustee Andy Levine.

“Come join the Fresno High region to learn more about the importance of reading, see some great student performance and enjoy a free dinner,” said Superintendent Bob Nelson.

Family engagement night for Fresno High School region with a focus on reading and student cultural performances

When:   Monday, April 8, 2024
               5-7 p.m.

Where:  Fresno High School
               1839 N. Echo Ave. (93704)