USDA Looking for Public Input

The USDA’s National Ag Statistics Service is looking for feedback on its estimating programs.

“Upon completion of the Census of Agriculture, the USDA’s National Ag Statistics Service conducts a thorough review of its estimating programs,” the Ag Statistics Board at NASS said in a release.

“The goal of the review is to ensure that the annual estimating programs target the commodities and states most relevant to U.S. agriculture.”

The agency also says in addition to the ag census data, NASS will consider all available information, including public input, when determining whether to add or remove specific programs when selecting the individual states included in each commodity program.

With data collection for the 2022 Census of Agriculture complete, the program review is now underway.

Interested people can send comments about a specific program, along with contact information, to [email protected] .

Put NASS Program Review in the subject line and submit by January 5.