Ninth Central Valley Honor Flight Takes Off From Fresno


FRESNO (KMJ) — The veterans who make up the ninth Central Valley Honor Flight, have left Fresno en route to Washington DC.

More than 60 men and women met inside Fresno Yosemite International Airport, and were led in a grand procession to the departure gate.

Before they left, Vice President and founder of the Central Valley Honor Flight Paul Loeffler said a few words to the excited crowd.

“Your service means the world to us.

“We realize we wouldn’t be here, in many cases literally we would have never been born if you didn’t survive the wars you were in, but also we wouldn’t have this incredible community in this great valley without your service and sacrifice, so we can’t thank you enough”.

He also highlighted that it wasn’t just an opportunity for the veterans to see the memorials, but also get to know each other.

“There’s some incredible stories out there and I hope that you guys, as you take this trip, will take the time to hear some other stories.

“It might help you understand how important what you did was…maybe you haven’t heard that enough.”

Among those taking part in the Central Valley Honor Flight, were a group of four brothers. The Fries brothers are all from Fresno, and all five of them joined various services to fight for our country. The fifth brother didn’t join the others for the journey.

“I went right to officer’s training school”, says Bob Fries, who achieved the rank of Captain within the Marine Corps.

“My brother said ‘hey, if you’ve got a college degree don’t go in as a Private’. Got my commission and then three weeks before we were to go to Korea they signed a truce. That’s why I’m still alive”.

He was in the marines for two years, then four years in the Marine Reserve Corps, and if things had gone bad during the Cuban Missile Crises he could have ended up there.

“We almost went over the Cuba when they had that big conflict”, he continued. “But they settled that too.

The Fries are among the more than 60 veterans taking part in the ninth Central Valley Honor Flight.

Hear the report from KMJ’s Dominic McAndrew as it aired: