Make A Card For “Valentines for Vets” Program Through California’s 21st District

MEDIA RELEASE: U.S. Congressman Jim Costa invites you to participate in California’s 21st District’s “Valentines for Vets” program.

During these challenging times, everyone can use some love and kindness, especially our Veterans, through heartfelt and homemade cards.

San Joaquin Valley residents and classrooms are encouraged to participate in the “Valentines for Vets” program by dropping off or mailing cards to Costa’s offices in Fresno and Visalia.

The deadline for submission is Wednesday, February 12th, 2025, by 5:00 P.M.

On Valentine’s Day, Costa’s office will deliver the submitted cards to local veterans at the Fresno VA Hospital and Fresno Veterans Home.

Grab your art supplies or write a note to a local veteran.

No glitter or sealed envelopes.

Participating schools and organizations with a large volume of Valentines for Veterans may contact THE office to arrange a pick-up.


  • Fresno District Office: 2440 Tulare Street, Suite 420, Fresno, CA 93721 
  • Visalia District Office: 425 E. Oak Ave Suite 202, Visalia, CA 93291 

If you have any questions or would like to arrange a pick-up, please call the Fresno District Office at (559) 495-1620.