Local Law Enforcement Agencies React To Truck Attack That Killed 15 In New Orleans

FRESNO, Calif. (KMJ/KFSN) β€” Terrorism on the streets of New Orleans is raising concerns with law enforcement across the nation, including in Central California.

Law enforcement consultant Rich Howard with Knowledge Saves Lives reviewed the response by New Orleans Police Department.

β€œI feel like the police response way incredible. This could have been a much, much worse scenario,” said Howard.

As law enforcement agencies around the nation prepare for bowl games and other large events, Howard says they’ll be thinking of this attack.

β€œThat’s gonna give new, heightened awareness to the preparations that have been and we’ll need to go forward with that,” Howard said.

β€œIt’s sad, we’re vulnerable when we gather in masses and that just means we have to be diligent in our planning.”

It’s not just law enforcement who need to prepare, Howard says need to be aware as we attend events or are in large crowds.

β€œGive yourself a moment when you get into an environment that’s unusual or chaotic or crowded and think β€˜if anything happens,'” Howard explained.

β€œThat could be anything a fire, mass casualty, β€˜where is my exit? Where am I going to go?’ and just preplan in your mind where you would go if something happened right now and keep an exit point, an exit strategy in your mind for yourself and your families.”

The Fresno Police Department released a statement in response to the attack, writing, in part:

β€œAlthough there is no information indicating an immediate threat to our area, the Fresno Police Department is monitoring the situation and maintaining increased vigilance. The safety of our community is our highest priority.”

The department alongside the Tulare County Sheriff’s Office offered their condolences to the city, the victims, and their families.

β€œAs a community, we grieve with you and offer our full support during this difficult time. Our thoughts are with everyone affected by this devastating event,” the sheriff’s office wrote in a statement.

Governor Gavin Newsom also released a statement saying there are no currently no credible threats at California events.

The State Threat Assessment Center is on heightened alert, closely coordinating and sharing information with partner law enforcement agencies.