KINGSBURG, Calif. (KMJ/KFSN) — A Russian band has been overwhelmed by the support from American audiences, especially in the Valley.
With their spot on sounds of Chicago, Leonid and Friends can’t wait to get back to Visalia.
“Beautful, beautiful town. Not very big but very unique. Unique yes, quaint. The Fox Theater, I remember it,” said Leonid Vorobyev.
Leonid’s son, Roman, manages the band, which has been busy adding to its set list.
While growing up in Siberia, Leonid said the music of Chicago represented a “ray of hope.”
“Every band in Russia in 70s had the same set as Chicago. Three horns and the rhythm sections,” said Leonid.
A decade ago, the group recorded its first song Leonid transcribed.
“I put it on YouTube without any expectations and, honestly, I thought American audiences will scorn us. Like, ‘Oh these Russians, who do they think they are? But suddenly, unexpectedly, it was pshhhhhhh. Bang! Hahaha,” Leonid said.
Millions of views later, fans demanded a tour.
Their next one brings them back to Visalia’s Fox Theater on Sunday, November 10.
Leonid is almost 70, but the fans keep him young.
“Oh, the audience. American audience. American people are so beautiful, so heartful and we just feel happy when we go to the stage.”