FRESNO, CA (KMJ) – The Big Fresno Fair and the Central California Blood Center will hold their special launch event on Tuesday, August 27, to officially kick off the 14th Annual “Pint for a Pass” Blood Drive.
The blood drive will run through October 14.
All donors will receive a “Buy One, Get One Free” admission voucher redeemable for the 2024 Big Fresno Fair, plus be automatically entered-to-win concert and horse racing tickets.
Exclusively for the August 27 launch event only, donors will be able to enjoy Fair food favorites such as corn dogs and kettle corn, receive a special commemorative t-shirt (while supplies last), plus put their name into a tumbler for a special concert and horse racing ticket drawing that will take place onsite.
Winners will be selected every hour beginning at 6 a.m.
Blood donors can an make an appointment online here.
Walk-ins will also be welcome. Donors can also purchase concert, horse racing and admission tickets while on-site.
More details can be found on the Fair’s website at www.FresnoFair.com/BloodDrive.
WHEN: “Pint for a Pass” Blood Drive Launch Event Tuesday, August 27 from 5 a.m. – 4 p.m.
WHERE: Commerce Building at the Fresno Fairgrounds 1121 S. Chance Avenue, Fresno, CA 93721
(Enter through Gate 2 off Chance Avenue) Parking is FREE in the Chance Lot
WHY: Every pint of blood you donate has the power to save up to three lives. For patients in need—whether they’re battling a severe illness, recovering from surgery, or facing a life-threatening emergency—your donation can mean the difference between life and death.
Your contribution is vital to ensuring that hospitals in Fresno, Tulare, Madera, Kings, and Mariposa Counties have the blood supplies necessary to provide critical care.
Whether you have Type O blood, the universal type urgently needed for emergency transfusions, or any other blood type, your donation is essential in giving these patients the chance to heal, recover, and continue their lives.
Make a powerful impact in our community by donating blood at the 14th Annual “Pint for a Pass” Blood Drive—your donation could be the gift of life for someone in need.
Donor Requirements & Instructions:
Donating blood takes less than an hour, yet the impact can last a lifetime. To donate, you must be in good health, weigh at least 110 pounds, and be at least 18 years old (16- and 17-year-olds can donate with parental consent). There’s no upper age limit, and even if you’ve recently gotten a tattoo, as long as it was done by a state-regulated entity, you’re eligible to donate. Be sure to eat a nutritious meal and drink plenty of water within four hours before
donating. You can donate every eight weeks, and don’t forget to bring a photo ID for registration.