FRESNO, Calif. (KMJ/KFSN) — City Council member Miguel Arias announced Friday that next month’s downtown Arthop will be held completely indoors.
On August 1, all outdoor events, activities, vending and entertainment will be prohibited.
Arias says the new rule is due to the record heat expected for the city of Fresno next month. However, he added that the city has not seen any heat-related incidents at Arthop.
However, in recent months, crime has been an issue during Arthop. Back in June, a woman was stabbed just hours after the official end of the event.
The new rules do not affect indoor events and it is expected this will be the only Arthop affected.
“We encourage all attending’s to attend and enjoy the indoor galleries, restaurants, breweries and buildings,” Arias said. “Enjoy the air conditioning that those places have to offer and the services, art and culture they have to offer.”
City staff and police will notify participating vendors who set up as early as 7 a.m. the day of Arthop.
Code Enforcement will also be present throughout Arthop next month to ensure rules are followed.
“We want the pedestrian traffic to flow as intended to go in and out of indoor venues and for folks to stay cool and safe,” Arias said.
Listen to the report by KMJ’s Liz Kern.