Report: Gov. Newsom Asks to Find Democrat Votes for Prop. 1

FRESNO, CA (KMJ) When Governor Gavin Newsom suddenly pulled the plug on Monday’s annual State of the State speech with no explanation, insiders and analysts were quick to assume the reason may be due to the extremely close vote on Proposition 1.

More than two weeks after the primary election, the race is still too close to call. As of today, Prop 1, Newsom’s $6.4 billion plan to help California’s homeless and addicts leads by 17,000 votes with 200,000 yet to be counted.

The tight race reportedly has Newsom’s group scrambling to find more β€œyes” votes to push it over the finish line.

A report published on the conservative site indicates an email was sent to supporters over the weekend asking them β€œfind the votes.”

KMJ’s Ray Appleton discussed the developments and its similarities to former President Trump’s β€œfind the votes” call to Georgia election officials – which led to an impeachment.