Foreign Investment in U.S. Ag Land

USDA’s latest research, based on 2021 data, shows more than 40 million acres of American agricultural land are owned by foreign investors and companies.

This corresponds to 3.1% of all privately-held agricultural land and 1.8% of all land in the U.S.

Canadian investors own the largest portion of foreign-held agricultural land with 31% or 12.8 million acres of the total, and 0.97% of all U.S. agricultural land.

But many of the current concerns center around China.

According to the latest data, China is ranked 18th in ownership of U.S. agricultural land with 383,000 acres.

That’s less than one percent of total foreign-owned U.S. ag land.

It reflects a total area of about one-third the size of Rhode Island or that of an average Ohio county.