The City of Fresno has been awarded more than $21 million to help fund a new affordable housing development in northwest Fresno.
The award was issued to the City and its partner on this project, Valley Teen Ranch, by the State of California’s Department of Housing and Community Development. The total award amount is $21,983,607.
The Welcome Home Project will provide 96 units of permanent affordable housing in northwest Fresno, which will be primarily funded through this award. The City of Fresno and Valley Teen Ranch will contribute additional funds.
The majority of the one-bedroom units will be used to provide permanent housing for youth aging out of the foster care system, providing the support necessary to help them attend school or gain employment.
“I’m grateful to the State of California for funds that will help provide young people stability and connect them with such important services,” said Mayor Jerry Dyer. “This project will prevent future homelessness, which is one of the most important things we can ever do. I’m proud of all we have accomplished so far in our effort to end chronic homelessness, but recognize we still have more to do.”
“I’m proud to help deliver a critical solution to two key issues affecting our city on a daily basis,” said District 2 Councilmember Mike Karbassi. “Our city has consistently faced a housing crisis and it is harder today for Fresno’s youth to get on their feet and build a better life without stable housing. This project is the first-of-its-kind, a ‘Hand Up Not Hand Out’ housing development to help graduating foster youth in our city build a better life as they enter adulthood.”
The funding is part of Homekey Round 3, an effort by the State of California to provide housing for people experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness. This award brings total Homekey funding for the City of Fresno to $63,148,479. Prior funding awards were used to rehabilitate the Ambassador Inn, Villa Motel, Parkway Inn, Valley Inn, and other sites.
As the operator, Valley Teen Ranch will provide a multitude of services, including outreach, case management, intake and assessment, education and employment assistance, life skills, referrals for behavioral health, physical health, substance abuse treatment, education and employment opportunities, and more.