MERCED, CA (KMJ) – In Merced Superior Court, a former Merced County Sheriff’s Sergeant was arraigned on Wednesday, for allegedly assaulting a man suspected of drunk driving.
The Merced County District Attorney’s Office filed charges against 42-year-old Dustin Witt, for Assault by a Public Officer, Assault Likely to Cause Great Bodily Injury, and an enhancement for Inflicting Great Bodily Injury.
The Merced County Sheriff’s Office released body cam video of the incident on March 11, 2023.
The Sheriff’s Office said Witt had responded to assist another deputy who detained suspect, Louis Jackson.
At approximately 8:50 pm, Deputies responded to a call for service in the 2400 block of Cardella Road in Merced regarding a vehicle that crashed through a fence.
Jackson was detained by a deputy who suspected him of being intoxicated and causing the accident.
In the video, Jackson told the officers; “There”s no need for a sobriety test. I’m drunk, I’ve been drinking.”
After Witt made a comment to Jackson’s girlfriend, a scuffle broke out between the two men.
Body-cam video shows the other officer deploy his Taser against Jackson, then Witt then repeatedly kicks Jackson, who’s laying on the ground.
Witt had also been a member of the Merced County Sheriff’s K-9 unit.
He was still serving as a deputy despite a demotion in 2019, and a misdemeanor conviction after a drunken fight with another deputy after a Sheriff’s Office Christmas party on Dec. 15, 2018.

Dustin Witt resigned in June of 2023, after an excessive use of force investigation was launched.
Merced County Sheriff Vern Warnke said his office has released the video to be transparent with the community about the incident, and that Sgt. Witt’s behavior is isolated and does not reflect the actions of the rest of the agency.
Listen to the report by KMJ’s Liz Kern.