Fresno Mayor-Elect Jerry Dyer Tests Positive for Coronavirus

Photo: Jerry Dyer/Twitter


Mayor-elect Jerry Dyer confirmed Tuesday he has tested positive for coronavirus.

On Tuesday morning Dyer issued the following statement:

As you know, after being notified of my exposure to Steve Brandau last Tuesday evening at a small dinner gathering, I had a Rapid PCR test done Tuesday evening. That test showed no detection of Covid.

I started to experience a very light cough late yesterday morning. Out of an abundance of caution I took a second test yesterday afternoon.

I was notified a few minutes ago that my test came back positive for Covid.

Last night I had a headache, body aches, and chills. I also had a mild fever.

However, I am already starting to feel much better. I would equate my symptoms, at least at this point to a severe cold or mild flu.

I consider myself very fortunate as I know others experience severe sickness and unfortunately, death.

I will be in quarantine as determined by the Fresno County Health Department.

– Jerry

Fresno County Supervisor Steve Brandau announced on election night that he tested positive for coronavirus.

Fresno Mayor Lee Brand issued the statement following the news about Dyer:

After hearing concerns about possible COVID-19 exposure, I was tested over the weekend and the results came back negative. I continue to work from home, as I have has done with limited exceptions since the start of the pandemic. My health is good and I will keep following all health and safety guidelines in order to stay that way.

Click to listen to the report by KMJ’s Liz Kern: