Mayor Brand: Public Board To Review Police Can “Play A Valuable Role”

FRESNO (KMJ) — The City of Fresno wants to recruit a select number of its citizens to join the newly-formed Citizen’s Public Safety Advisory Board, to review and suggest changes to Fresno Police practices.

“They can play a valuable role in giving our police department valuable information and advice” explains Mayor Lee Brand.

Members will be asked to advise the Office of Independent Review, consider the ongoing effectiveness of Community Policing, and review all legally available information regards policies.

“I believe that if you get the right people in this incredible group, and you’re going to have people like the Chief that can weigh in, the DA that can weigh in, my office that can weigh in, and I think that if it functions properly it will make a difference.”

The Citizens Public Safety Advisory Board won’t have any direct powers of change, but members will be tasked with preparing quarterly reports to then present to Fresno City Council.

“I do believe they’ll be people that will listen, that will attend the council meetings…but the council members themselves will hear it first hand from their constituents,” reveals Mayor Brand. “They’ll represent a geographic cross-section of Fresno and I think good things will come out of here.

The application deadline is June 1st, and the form you need to apply can be found clicking here.

Hear the report from KMJ’s Dominic McAndrew as it aired: