California Voters Cast Their Ballots In Tuesday’s Primaries


FRESNO (KMJ) — After months of campaigning, the almost 18 million Californians registered to have their say in the democratic process can finally do so.

But only on one day only: Tuesday June 7th 2016.

Across the valley, and the state, those eligible to cast their ballot are doing so in this Consolidated Presidential Primary Election.There are 291 polling places throughout Fresno County, among the many more all over the valley and the state. One of those is the site in Downtown Fresno, at the Fresno County Clerk Registrar of Voters office.

“We’ll have several thousand here Downtown”, says Fresno County Clerk Registrar of Voters Brandi Orth.

“We’ve taken a couple extra steps because we know it’s going to be really hot today. We’ve got some pop-up tents on the sidewalk in case we have a line, we’re going to help process our voters as quickly as possible through here”.

This Presidential Primary Election is not just about the person who’ll be in the White House, there are numerous other races taking place too. Votes for Mayor in cities across the state, as well as votes to elect people to various state-lawmaker positions, are bundled along with the race which has put California on the national stage: the Democratic Party Presidential Nomination.

“There’s something on the ballot for everyone”, continues Orth. “Some measures, electing your local leadership, of course the Presidential candidates. These are the people that are going to be making decisions about your life and so now’s the time to cast your vote”.

Polls close at 8pm Tuesday evening. You can find your local polling place clicking here.

Hear the report from KMJ’s Dominic McAndrew as it aired: