Fresno Council Approves $14M South Stadium Project

(KMJ)  The city council has signed-off on another ambitious development in downtown Fresno.

The so-called “South Stadium Project” got the unanimous approval of the council Thursday.
The plan is to revitalize Inyo Street – south of the Fulton Mall.   Dozens of new store fronts will be built.  Those will be topped with many more lofts and apartments.

Mayor Ashley Swearengin stopped by the KMJ studios shortly after the council vote and said “We’re predicting about a thousand units in the next five to ten years”.

South Stadium Project
Mayor Swearengin said the old Gottschalks building will also be re-purposed into a large public food market similar to those in San Francisco and Seattle.

“We have the potential to have one of the best public markets anywhere because we’re the food capital of the world,” Swearengin told KMJ host Ray Appleton.

The estimated price tag is $14-million – with most of that being fronted by prominent developers.  The rest will come from grants.  Construction is expected to start early 2017.

This new development comes at the same time as the reconstruction of the Fulton Mall.  A groundbreaking ceremony for that project will take place there next Thursday, March 3rd.