Are Your Facebook Friends Really Your Friends?

Aaron J. AbeytiaAaron Abeytia

Aaron Abeytia anchors afternoon newscasts on News/Talk 580 & 105.9 KMJ. Read More…


Listen to the report as aired on News/Talk 580 AM & 105.9 FM KMJ

FRESNO, Calif. (KMJ) — Facebook has made the word “friend” a verb. But, does “friending” someone create a real-world friendship?

No, at least, not according to a new Oxford University study, which suggests that many Facebook friendships are superficial.

Researchers say of the 150 friends the average user has, only about 15 can be considered actual friends, and only 5 can be viewed as close friends.

The study suggests that real relationships require some face-to-face interaction.

However, social media may function to prevent existing friendships from decaying overtime.

















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