Fresno Police Nab Suspects In Two Robbery Series


Fresno Police nab five people who are responsible for a string of robberies in the city.

Four of the suspects were gangs members in one ring – who targeted a smoke shop, a vitamin store and a recycle center from October to November.

ROBBERS Johnny Maggard

Another man that police say is responsible for 3 separate robberies — had donned a Freddy Krueger mask and used pepper spray against his targets.

Police Chief Jerry Dyer says there was one connection amongst all of them.

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“There was an addition to meth – whether or not that is what fueled their efforts to go out and commit armed robberies they were addicted to meth and for the most part they had a criminal history was well.” – Chief Jerry Dyer.

The four gang members could spend the next twenty years behind bars, if convicted.

The other man was a 3 strikes offender – already with 11 years for prior incidents, and police say he will most like will go away for life if convicted.