Sexually Violent Predator From Visalia Committed To Coalinga State Hospital

FRESNO, CA (KMJ) – A sexually violent predator from Visalia is committed to the State hospital.

44 year-old Jessie Pritchett will be confined for an undetermined amount of time at Coalinga State Hospital.

Tulare County District Attorney Tim Ward says Pritchett’s rampage of violence in Tulare and LA Counties spanned 30 years against more than 15 victims, including minors.

Ward say Pritchett is clinically categorized as a psychopath with a risk of re-offending that is significantly higher than the risk posed by other convicted sex offenders.

The crimes ranged from solicitation to commit murder, sodomy and attempted rape of minors, assault with a deadly weapon, and sexual battery.

In just six months, back in 2001, Pritchett committed crimes against four different victims.

All of the crimes taking place in Tulare and in Los Angeles Counties.

Click below to listen to the report by KMJ’s Liz Kern.