Dems Fail to Endorse Parra or Huerta

(KMJ)  Daniel Parra originally had the pre-endorsement of the Democratic party.  But that endorsement didn’t last long.  On Sunday, at the California Democratic Convention in San Jose, the party pulled their endorsement.  The reason?  Because fellow democratic candidate for Congress, Emilio Huerta, forced a floor vote after appealing Saturday’s caucus victory by Parra.  On Sunday, neither candidate gathered enough votes for the party endorsement, which leaves a lot of potential campaign money in limbo.

daniel parra   Emilio-Huerta-1

Daniel Parra                                                  Emilio Huerta

Both Parra (D-Fowler) and Huerta (D-Bakersfield) are challenging incumbent 21st Cong. Rep. David Valadao (R-Hanford) who has dispatched each of his democratic challengers in recent years with relative ease – despite the large lead in democratic voter registration.  The Primary election is June 7th.