Social Skills Class Presents Mosaic Of Madera County Seal


The Madera High School “Autism Social Skills Class” presented one of their projects to the Madera County Board of Supervisors – a large-scale mosaic of the Madera County Seal.

The Board hosted a public presentation during their regular meeting to promote the students and to thank them for the present.

“The Social Skills Class at Madera High School is comprised of a group of Autistic students who are able to create beautiful art work through collaborating, communicating and problem solving, all while developing their social skills as well,” – Madera High School Teacher Lalo Sanchez.

Last year, the students presented a mosaic to PG&E at their Fresno Distribution Control Center. It was then that a similar mosaic project was offered to Madera County. The students worked on the project over the summer using materials donated from both public and private supporters.


“When one is diagnosed – as a parent – you mourn a future, but when you see your child achieving these goals it is unspeakable. – Luz Castro, parent of student Xavier Castro.

“It was an honor to be approached by Mr. Sanchez’s class for this mosaic. I wanted to thank County Administration for their involvement in supporting, planning, and fundraising the project,” – County CAO Eric Fleming.

The mosaic will be displayed permanently in the main lobby of the Madera County Government Center.