Local correctional and other safety officers will be having another election to decertify from their union.
From correctional, child support and security officers to program techs – about 900 members are trying to leave the Service Employees Union, but voter packets were inadvertently mailed out early two days early.
“As a result, employees have to redo the elections and basically, their voice is not going to be counted again – which kind of is a reason why we’re leaving SCIU, because our voices aren’t heard and they’re too involved in social agendas and issues that have nothing to do with public sector employees.” – Eulalio Gomez, Fresno Sheriffs Correction Officer.
The Fresno County Public Safety Association had appealed for election results to be set aside and a re-run of the election.
We want to bring back the old way of representation which would just be for members wages and benefits, and get out of the Obama-care fight, the immigration fight, the Black Lives matter fight, the 15 fight – all these fights that are not associated with public sector employees.” – Eulalio Gomez, Fresno Sheriffs Correction Officer.
A date has not “yet” been set for the new voting period.